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Refractory Linings companies

- Displaying 1-25 of 31
Products: Linings: refractory; boilers: refractory; brick: refractory; cement: clay refractory; cement: high..
Cerco LLC    Crooksville, OH
Products: Linings: refractory; cement: refractory; ceramic technical products; ceramics; crucibles; furnace..
Jayne Industries Inc.    Stoney Creek, ON
Products: Linings: refractory; alloys: casting; anchors: refractory; annealing services; benders: cnc; bending:..
Products: Linings: refractory; boards: refractory; brick: refractory; cement & lime kiln burners; cement kilns;..
Products: Linings: refractory; alloys: casting; alloys: die casting; alumina ceramic products; aluminum castings;..
Unifrax    Tonawanda, NY
Mfg. refractory linings, high-temeprature, fire-resistant refractory furnace linings, blankets, boards, textiles.
Products: Linings: refractory; blankets: acoustic insulation; blankets: ceramic fibre; blankets: fibreglass;..
Plibrico Company, LLC    Buffalo, NY
Products: Linings: refractory; blocks: insulating; brick: fire; brick: insulating; cement: adhesive & sealing;..
Products: Linings: refractory; circle cutting; consulting services, business: safety training services; furnaces:..
Products: Linings: refractory; award components; bending aluminum extrusions & steel shapes; carbon steel:..
ETS Schaefer Corporation    Macedonia, OH
Products: Linings: refractory; anchors: refractory; anchors: roof; blankets: heat; blankets: thermal; cables: high..
Products: Linings: refractory; boards: refractory; brick: insulating; brick: refractory; cement: high temperature;..
Products: Linings: refractory; autoclaves: bonding; autoclaves: curing; autoclaves: dewaxing; autoclaves:..
Jetson Inc    Ham Lake, MN
Products: Linings: refractory; brake forming; brakes: press; cylinder rolling & welding services; cylinders:..
Mt Savage Specialty Co    Mt Savage, MD
Products: Linings: refractory; boards: refractory; cement: high temperature, refractory, nonclay; cement:..
Refractory Anchors Inc    Broken Arrow, OK
Products: Linings: refractory; anchors: refractory; blankets: welding; bolts: stainless steel; cement: high..
Robert Jenkins & Co    Webster, TX
Products: Linings: refractory; consultants: industrial; consultants: quality assurance; consultants: trade;..
Metal Products Inc    Jefferson City, MO
Products: Linings: refractory; anchors; anchors: refractory; assembling service; brick: refractory; clamps;..
Van-Packer Co    Buda, IL
Products: Linings: refractory; acid fume stacks; acid recovery systems; battery service stands: double stack..
Minteq International Inc.    Bethlehem, PA
Products: Linings: refractory; mortar: refractory; preforms: glass; refractories & refractory materials; shapes: refractory
TRE Services Inc    Cranberry Twp, PA
Products: Linings: refractory; brick: refractory; construction materials, wholesale: brick, exc refractory;..
Hybroco Sales Inc    Stockbridge, MI
Products: Linings: refractory; anchor lines; anchors: refractory; anchors: screw; anchors: stud; arc stud welding..
Marco Specialty Steel    Houston, TX
Suppliers of hexagonal cellular mesh grating specifically designed for reinforcing both refractory linings and flooring.
Products: Linings: refractory; bar: grating; carbon steel: grating; cloth: wire; expanded metal; fabricators: wire..
American Fibrex    Joplin, MO
Products: Linings: refractory; cement: high temperature, refractory, nonclay; ceramic composites; ceramic fiber:..
Halmar Corporation    Louisville, KY
Products: Linings: refractory; adapters: air; adapters: metric; adapters: pipe; boiler gauges; boilers:..
M H Detrick Co    Mokena, IL
Products: Linings: refractory; castings: gray iron; cement: clay refractory; engineering services; foundries;..
Top quality manufacturers have been highlighted in this comprehensive source of industrial information. A broad range of LININGS: REFRACTORY manufacturers has been compiled in this industrial directory designed to provide information on leading, quality oriented manufacturers .
Refractory Linings companies - Displaying 1-25 of 31
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