America's Original Industrial Directory Since 1893

Down Flow Dust Collectors companies

- Displaying 1-25 of 46
IndustriCorp, Inc.    Hunt Valley, MD
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Down flow dust collectors feature larger coalescing fiber bed filters with a lower permeability rating and deep fiber bed media suitable for filtration of higher concentrations of sub-micron particulate.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: unit; dust..
Vidimos Inc    East Chicago, IN
Manufacture custom dust collectors and dust collecting systems from small light weight duct to heavy wall large diameter pipe or square. Vidimos, Inc., is a union sheet metal shop established in 1945 in East Chicago, Indiana, providing heavy metal fabrication for various applications.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: unit; dust..
Imperial Systems, Inc.    Jackson Center, PA
Custom fabricate dust collection systems and components for just about every industry, including, but not limited to: recycling, seed, grain, woodworking, steel, mining, aggregate, biofuels, food processing, pet food, fiberglass, agricultural, chemical processing, paper scrap, fiberglass and many more.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
IWI, Inc.    Cleveland, OH
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Ecolo-Tech Inc    Madison Heights, MI
Our industrial dust collectors clean the air inside a warehouse, shop or garage by removing unwanted and unhealthy particles from the air and sending clean air back into the building.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Schust Engineering    Auburn, IN
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
PEBCO    Paducah, KY
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: unit; automated..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Process Barron    Pelham, AL
Process Barron is one of the best known & most respected manufacturers of dust collection system in the country. Our multiclone dust collection systems are custom designed for their unique environment and intended collection results. We also repair & upgrade dust collectors to improve performance.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
SysTech Design Inc.    Exton, PA
High quality down flow dust collectors are designed to remove industrial contaminants from polluted air, and where feasible, return clean air back into the environment.
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Tougher Sheet & Steel LLC    Allentown, PA
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Air-Pro Inc    Cincinnati, OH
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors & systems; dust collector program controls; air cleaning..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Airflow Systems Inc    Dallas, TX
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: cyclone; dust..
DualDraw, Inc    Commerce City, CO
Down Flow Dust Collectors help meet OSHA 1910:1000 industrial air quality requirements. Down Flow Dust Collectors are designed with a 14 or 16 gauge uni-body construction, clean out trays, and replaceable multi-pleated 24” x 24” x 4” filters with 95% efficient 0.7 microns. Down Flow Dust Collectors operate at 110/230V (single phase)..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: unit; dust..
Auburn Systems LLC    Danvers, MA
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors & systems; dust collector program controls; dust collectors..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: unit; dust collector program..
K & E Fabricating Co    Buffalo, NY
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors: reverse air; dust collectors: shaker type; dust collectors:..
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors: unit; dust collectors: pulse jet; dust collectors: reverse..
Whirl Air Flow    Princeton, MN
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors & systems; dust collectors: reverse air;..
Air Filter Sales Inc    Haverhill, MA
Products: Dust collectors: down flow; dust collectors; dust collectors: shaker type; collectors: dust; air..
Top quality manufacturers have been highlighted in this comprehensive source of industrial information. A broad range of DUST COLLECTORS: DOWN FLOW manufacturers has been compiled in this industrial directory designed to provide information on leading, quality oriented manufacturers .
Down Flow Dust Collectors companies - Displaying 1-25 of 46
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