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Sarasota Concrete Contractors

Address: 2875 Ashton Rd #21374
Phone: 941-256-2013
This company is located in the Eastern Time Zone and the office is currently Closed

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Sarasota Concrete Contractors

In Sarasota, we are a people on the go. Our roads, driveways and parking lots get a ton of use daily. We are Sarasota's stamped concrete experts helping you to have a smooth driving experience. We work with clients from commercial, residential, and public settings. Having potholes, cracks, and gravel on a road is the worst experience. They create eyesores and cause unnecessary pains to our cars, so having a smooth road can make a big difference. Trust Sarasota Concrete Services to take care of all your concrete paving needs and help you maintain great concrete for years to come. We know that selecting the right concrete contractor is important because it is an investment. You want to select a knowledgeable and professional concrete repair contractor that will provide the best result to last for years to come. We are the concrete repair contractor in Sarasota that you can trust. We will guide you along and educate you with the best information regarding a concrete paving solution for your project. The best secret to long lasting pavement is having a solid foundation. Prior to laying any type of pavement, it is important to make sure that the surface layer of the ground is rightly prepared and compact. Without a proper foundation, pavement will crack easier with any changes in weather, moisture, and heavy traffic. When choosing a paving company, you want one that will make sure to create a solid foundation. Sarasota Concrete Contractors will make sure that the whole project from start to finish will be done right. We are the professional paving contractors you can trust.

Estimated Shipping Rates from
Sarasota, Florida to

These costs are an estimate and cannot be used as actual shipping costs. Please contact Sarasota Concrete Contractors for a complete quote with shipping costs.
Shipment Type Estimated Price
Box $90
Crate $90
Pallet $85
Partial Dry Van $960
53' Dry Van Truckload $1050
48' Dry Van Truckload $1250

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