This company is located in the Mountain Time Zone and the office is currently
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Geeks in Phoenix Products:
Computer Repair -
Is the performance of your computer not what it used to be? Maybe your getting errors at start up or during normal operation. Or maybe your PC or laptop just stopped running. Computer repair is what we do best!
Virus Removal -
Is your computer running slower than normal? Having problems getting on the Internet? Or maybe a program just showed up and is telling you that you have a virus? If so, you could be infected.
Data Recovery -
Did you get another computer and need to transfer your data? Maybe you accidentally reformatted your computer by using recovery disks and want to get your documents, photos, etc. back. Or maybe you computer just stopped running. Data recovery is one of our specialties!
Estimated Shipping Rates from Phoenix, Arizona to
These costs are an estimate and cannot be used as actual shipping costs. Please contact Geeks in Phoenix for a complete quote with shipping costs.
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